Sunday, October 20, 2013

Audrey Hepburn

Chris Rice (author)
Paperback. 22 pages. Publisher: Pearson Education Limited, 2000.

The book told about the life and career of Audrey Kathleen van Heemstra Hepburn-Ruston, the Belgium actress that was very successful and known worldwide. Audrey had passion for dance, even though, she didn't have the desirable features for a classic ballet dancer. In London, Audrey started working in musicals. The main role of Gigi was offered to her in 1951, which gave her more visibility at the time. After that, she worked on a Roman Holiday. For her part on this movie she was awarded with an Academy Award in 1953. In the same year, she received a Tony Award for her work in Ondine. She lived and worked in several locations in Europe, but decided to settle in Switzerland. On 1954, she married Mel Ferrer. She had two miscarriages before her first son was born. Curiously, she declined some important roles in the cinema in the 1960s: a participation in Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho and the main role in West Side Story, two acclaimed and awarded movies. Then she acted on some cinema classics: Breakfast at Tiffany's and My Fair Lady. The first one was more successful than the second. She got married again in 1969 and had another kid one year later. She quit her actress career and dedicated the rest of her life working to the United Nations, mostly did humanitarian work in Africa. She visited hospitals and gave food to children that starved at the time. Audrey done a small part in Steven Spielberg's Always.  She passed away in January 20, 1993 in Switzerland.


  1. What a great woman! Have you seen any of her movies? Did she sound like she was a happy person to you?

  2. She seems to be joyful and happy, even though she had some difficulties in her life.
    My Fair Lady, one of her movies is one of my favorites! :)
